Hannah is a homeschool graduate, and the daughter of my friend, Deb from Mountain Musings. Hannah is a maiden of virtue who is being a blessing to her parents while pursuing a Biblical approach to daughterhood. What a role model for our daughters.I enjoy living the country life. You just never know what is gonna happen! Tonight we got a visit from Charlotte, my neighbor's pet pig. Boy did she squeal when they came to claim her! Charlotte lives many acres away (1/2 mile), so I was surprised to see her. At least she didn't dig up my daffodils the way my other neighbor's pig did. :-)
The commissary had scallopini veal marked down for quick clearance, so I obliged. Tonight Maggie made two different styles. One had lots of herbs including fresh chives, garlic and parsley, the other with breadcrumbs and balsamic sauce. They were absolutely delicious. She served them with wagon wheel pasta. Guess that makes it a western style meal!
Dad came over again to chat in front of our roaring fire. He sure enjoys being warm.
We have altered our "Read the Bible in a Year" plan to "Read the Bible in 2 Years." It got to be too much when we missed a day and had to catch up. The good part is that we are learning so much.
Tomorrow is a busy day for me, so an early bedtime. Many blessings ~ Kathie