Bethany Beach was as wonderful as we remembered it. My hubby said that this was the best trip to Bethany that he's ever had. I must say, usually the town is deserted after Labor Day weekend, but that is no longer the case. Still enjoyable though.
How much fun was it? So much that I forgot to take any pictures until moments before we left. The weather was perfect. Saturday's temp was in the 90s. Perfect for the beach. This is a picture of our bedroom in the condo where we stayed. I enjoyed the quilts.
This is one of the girls' bedrooms. More quilts!
We barely did any cooking this weekend but I really enjoyed this kitchen.
We left Bethany Beach on Monday morning and drove to Denton to have lunch with a family that we met online through the
Vision Forum Family Directory. What sweet fellowship we had. After lunch, the children walked down to the river. (Our friends have 10 children of whom 3 are still at home.)
Mike and I enjoyed talking to the Daddy. (Sorry, I don't post last names on my blog unless you are a public figure such as my pastor.) Mrs. R**** was on the west coast for a month to help her elderly mother. It never ceases to amaze us how quickly like-minded folks connect. We hope to have this family over to our home sometime in the near future.
What a blessing it is to know that there are other families who hold our same values. Such sweet fellowship! Thank you, dear family, for a memorable day.
Our family has met many families online that we later met in person. These have been some of our favorite memories!
After we said goodbye to our new friends, we drove the remaining 2-1/2 hours home, getting here at 6 pm. We were surprised that there were few boats out on the bay for such nice weather. This picture was taken from the Bay Bridge over the Chesapeake Bay.
When we got home, we saw a huge pile of duck feathers, but were missing our two biggest ducks. Mike followed the trail of feathers into the woods and found the carcasses of our pets. What a shock! Poor Lizzie cried and cried. We can only assume that a fox is to blame. We have many foxes around here. Our biggest ducks liked to nap on the ground, but our two smaller ducks always nap on top of the kennel.
This morning we are recovering from vacation. Fortunately we don't have much laundry since I did that before we left Bethany. Just unpacking and getting back to schoolwork and music practice. Mike, Sarah and Maggie were gone early to get to homeschool co-op. Allen is making fruit smoothies. I just finished printing out all of today's school papers. Ducks are flying past my window. Vacation is fun, but so is home life. Thank you, Lord, for ordinary mornings such as these.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
PS ~ For you homeschoolers who enjoy free worksheets, here are two recommendations that we are using today.
My children enjoy the Read and Think worksheets from A Beka. So here are some wonderful stories with questions for Reading Comprehension.
This week I noticed a little note that one of my children had written in haste. She wrote "there" instead of "their." So I downloaded a little exercise so everyone could brush up on there, they're and their.