What a busy weekend. I started off Friday evening at a local church, teaching a roomful of moms and daughters how to quilt. It was so much fun. The daughters ranged in age from 6 to 15 years. I had forgotten that children could be so well behaved in a classroom setting. What an encouragement! (I was having so much fun that I forgot to take pictures, boo hoo).
Saturday morning we woke up and packed up the van to go to my folks' weekend home in Virginia. What a blessing. Within 3 miles of our home, we were in farm country. We cross many rivers to get there. With each rural mile we felt relaxed. We saw just as many abandoned farms as working farms. Last week was an emotionally difficult week, so this trip was greatly anticipated.
We listened to wonderful music the whole way down. We took a pan of sourdough cracked wheat rolls to bake when we got there. But they rose much faster than anticipated! It was funny watching Maggie try to keep the sun off the rolls.
The temperature was in the 50s, so we needed to wear light jackets. I sat on Grandaddy's bench on the pier and soaked in my Vitamin D. It was soo soothing to watch the ospreys diving for fish and building their nests.
Maggie and Grandaddy had fun making a cake with no eggs and milk to prove to him that it could be done. He loved it.
Sunday morning we went to Mom and Dad's church. It's a tiny little Methodist church in the country.
Mom plays piano and sometimes organ when she's in town. Yesterday the congregation partook of the Lord's Supper. It was interesting to see the different method. We formed a line to go up and break a piece of bread off the loaf and dip the piece into the glass of grape juice. I had a hard time with the rituals and canned prayers, but the Lord still spoke to my heart.
All too soon it was time to come home. I gave Maggie the camera to get some good pictures. We spent more time turning around to capture these fun pictures:
There is a large native american influence down here. There is a 3-mile area reservation not far, so it wasn't surprising to see these two tipis.
I wanted to get closer to the tipis for better pictures, but got stopped by these signs. Probably a good idea.
On Saturday when we passed the Bison farm, the bison were all grazing and looking magnificent. But today they were barely visible and napping.
So today we are home and rested. The ride home was beautiful and sunny. Spring is just around the corner. The daffodils were 12" tall in Virginia. The birds are abundant. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." It is good to know that the Lord loves us, warts and all.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
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