This kit (about 18x22") is for sale in many online stores. It looks weird to me. I like the full-size piano in the first picture. These smaller kits are made with 2" squares ~ lots of sewing!
So every once in a while I google "piano+quilt" or something similiar, to see what's new out there. This morning I found this quilt block online for $9.99 plus shipping. This block would be wonderful in a black and white quilt.
Here's another black and white music quilt I found. This quilt was made by Judy Lume who custom makes quilts in Belize. I am a symetrical-type person who rarely thinks "out of the box," so I don't enjoy this quilt.
I found this piano quilt online on a photo share website. I wish you could see a closeup of the border. It looks like pebbles from a distance, but it is actually this fabric of an orchestra:
I don't know why I enjoy themed fabrics so much!
I was given this Piano Log Cabin pattern a few years ago by my neighbor. I hope to make this quilt (probably wallhanging size) without the red rose on it (hard to see but it's there).

Many blessings ~ Kathie
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