
It's nondairy, unsweetened baking chocolate in 1/2-oz squares...and only $1.35 for 4 oz! So tomorrow I will be baking Chocolate Sourdough Brownies. I'll let you know how they turn out.
In San Francisco we shopped at Von's, in San Diego we shopped at Ralph's, in South Carolina we shopped at Winn-Dixie, and in southern Maryland it's McKay's or Giant. But here in Texas, HEB rules. (It's pronounced H-E-B, sounding out each letter, not hebs that rhymes with webs.) I asked several people what HEB stood for, and they said, Here Everything's Better. But I googled it, and it really stands for the store's founder, Howard E. Butt.This is a picture of Dad enjoying a good movie. Dad is hearing impaired from many years of not wearing ear protection around heavy machinery and guns. So he found this newfangled headset that allows him to listen to the movie without driving the rest of us crazy. We enjoy making fun of him because he forgets that we don't have headphones on, and he yells when he thinks he's talking.
The temps are in the low 80s with wonderful breezes. It is a real delight to take my daily walk. My hubby would love this area with the large areas of water. Hope everyone is enjoying spring. Many blessings ~ Kathie
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