We left home this morning around 9:30 am and arrived at Ridgely, MD, for Maggie's hang-gliding trip. Sarah bought this as a birthday gift for her. Now that Maggie's feet are back on terra firma, I have to admit that the whole experience was pretty impressive. But I almost lost my nerve when the plane went much higher than expected.
I'm showing you these two pictures so you can see how Maggie is attached to her instructor. If he has to use his parachute because of a malfunction, then Maggie goes with him. I gave my camera to Anna to get pictures, but she didn't get any pictures of the plane towing the glider. Mike had the video camera running the whole time. (...and I could see his green eyes of envy!)
Hopefully you can see how high they are! They were in the air for 20 minutes. Once the plane detached from them, the instructor let Maggie have the control until it was time to get ready for landing. He also did a few tricks for her. He enjoyed the fact that Maggie has no fear!.jpg)
This is just before landing. Both the takeoff and landing were so smooth that Maggie wasn't sure when either had happened.
When Maggie was finished, we found a Subway sub shop to eat lunch. We arrived in Bethany Beach shortly before 4 pm. My family decided to go out tonight for our annual dinner at Harpoon Hannah's restaurant. Even though I can't eat eggs or dairy, tonight I had the best meal that I've ever had there. I had three appetizers ~ shrimp spring rolls, bacon-wrapped scallops, and caribbean-spiced jerk chicken. So delicious! The rest of the family got french-onion soup (Mike), steamed shrimp and salad (Ruthie), chicken strips (twins) and I still haven't found out what the older girls got. The fellowship was nice. There were 21 of us in all. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
Right now the three oldest girls are out on the boardwalk with their boy cousins, while Mike and the three youngest are in the pool. The pool and hot tub are open til 10 pm.
Can you tell how much we love this place?!
Have a nice weekend. Many blessings ~ Kathie