"I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears" Psalm 34:4. This was my promise verse yesterday.
Yesterday I took Maggie to Walter Reed for her doctor's appt. We were both nervous. Just getting a parking space took 20 minutes...and we were fearful that the doctor wouldn't be there (that's been known to happen). The good thing about military medicine is that there is a rule about not waiting more than 20 minutes in the waiting room. Nice rule!
The doctor looked at all of Maggie's latest round of MRIs and scans, and she has made us hopeful. Of course, Maggie has a new order for additional MRIs. But we are thankful that things seem to be going forward now. Thank you for all your prayers. The difference in Maggie's emotional well-being is wonderful!
This past week we got two free lawnmowers! Meet Billy and Nanny, our new goats. (I warned you before about our original names!)
My children have fallen in love with them...especially now that Sarah has trained them to walk when told. Wish I could've seen that training! Now they whine every time the girls walk out the door hoping to go for a walk.
This past winter I bought this candlestick for 25 cents at the thrift shop. I had fun spraypainting it white. I had envisioned it sitting on my kitchen table with all my white chairs...but that was before I decided not to paint my chairs. Oh well. It was still fun to do.
Here's a close-up.
I finally bought 8 chairs at the flea market and thrift shops. Each person has his/her favorite chair, so it's nice. But you can see how my new candlestick doesn't really fit.
Yesterday I received this free stereo system from freecycle.org. I had been wanting a turntable to play my records, so this is perfect! Allen set it up for me...it came with two large speakers, a receiver, a cd player, a two-tape cassette player, and a radio. Now that the thrift shops are overloaded with LPs, they are selling them for a dime apiece. (VHS tapes and LPs have become the bane of every thrift shop around!)
Almost everyday I spend a lot of time in my car waiting for Maggie while she is at her appts. I almost always listen to our local Sword of the Lord station, 88.1. And almost everyday I hear a song that I try to find the music to. But when I call the station, they tell me the song comes from a very old LP (think '50s and '60s!). So I've decided to take advantage of the LP overload and find some golden oldies! (Besides that, I have 6 Sons of the Pioneers LPs!)
I also found this autoharp. Twenty dollars was a stretch for me, but we'd shopped for one before and really wanted one. Besides that, this autoharp is an Oscar Schmidt, a name I know well from our ukuleles. It's a name you can trust.
Today is an easy day. Laundry, mending, sewing and cleaning. Most of all, just being here for my children. I have hardly seen them this week. Ruthie is really suffering from my being gone. She knows I leave in two days to pick Anna up in TN.
Oops ~ speaking of Ruthie...she just called me for lunch. She made her specialty...chicken and dumplings. If the smell is any indicator, this is gonna be a tasty lunch!
Many blessings ~ Kathie
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