"Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world." ~ Titus 2:12
Many blessings ~ Kathie
Our friend, Samantha, came through surgery with flying colors, PTL. Her grandparents are thankful for everyone's prayers, and they're enjoying spoiling her with gifts to craft and eat (Rita's!). Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a time to every purpose under heaven. Verse 3 says there is a time to heal. So take your time healing, Samantha, and enjoy the blessings of friends and family. As we say here in southern Maryland, "Let us lay some love on you!"
My mom sent me this link to a month of popsicle recipes. I'd like to make the pina colada recipe. Take a look!
Ruthie came in this morning rubbing her eyes and asked, "Is it time to wake up the cowhands?" I love life on this ranch!
Saturday we are expecting the high temp to be 100 degrees. Keep cool wherever you are.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
Abigail keeps trying to figure out why Maggie can't pick her up and hold her. She doesn't understand that Maggie's hands are hurt...so she is always asking Maggie to pick her up. Poor baby. Fortunately Maggie can hold Abigail if we place her on Maggie's lap.
Last Friday, my family met some friends in Washington D.C., to visit the Smithsonian museums. My children had a blast! (Ruthie and I stayed home since the warm air triggers Ruthie's respiratory problems ~ the temps were in the 90s.) Ellen treated my family to a 3-D movie about Dinosaurs (at the museum)...and that was the most talked about part of the trip! I had fun listening to everyone's account of the day. I can't believe none of my children took cameras! Thanks, Ellen and Chris for inviting us along.
Mike was sharing with me about how Ellen and Chris saw a movie where the guy had a bucket list of everything he wanted to accomplish before the end of his life...so E&C came up with their own bucket list. Visiting the Smithsonian was on Ellen's list. Now we're all putting together our own bucket lists!
Our family has just learned of the death of Simba and Natalie's niece who was their flower girl. Shelby was 16 years old and all we know is that she was killed in a car accident an hour or so ago. We saw Shelby recently at Abigail's birthday party, and enjoyed watching her taking care of her younger siblings. We're praying for you, Simba and Natalie.
Many blessings ~ Kathie