Walmart is selling many dvds for $3 this week, so I bought this one called Follow the River. The rating is PG for frontier violence and mild thematic material. You can read more about the movie
here on
http://www.imdb.com/. You can buy the dvd
here on
http://www.amazon.com/ for as low as 88 cents! I heard no foul language or saw anything immodest on this film. Hurray!
I don't want to spend the time writing a book report here, but the story involves a woman who is taken captive by Shawnee indians back in 1855. Of course, there are many things that you see in the movie that are unrealistic, but for family viewing, I think this movie is wonderful. I highly recommend it.
I was excited to watch this movie because my great-(7x)-grandmother was also taken captive back in 1756 by the Shawnee indians. Her name was Rebecca Regina Walker (1746-1826), and when she was 10 years old, she was scalped (not fatally) and forced to walk 200 miles to Ohio. At first she had to carry a young sibling, but when he became a burden, the indians killed him. Six years later she was reunited with her parents.
To read the whole fascinating story, go to http://www.grahamreunion.org/. Click on Genealogical information. Then click on A Compiled History....
Maggie made a delicious snack today from dandelion leaves and chickweed. She sauteed the weeds in Kikkoman's dipping sauce with a few drops of sesame oil. Yummy! It was hard to share this plate with seven other people. Shouldn't be a problem next time...we have a field full of weeds!
This morning I made a large bowl of veggie salad. We ate it for breakfast and lunch...and again for dinner! I didn't have a recipe, so I mixed kidney beans, black beans, celery, cilantro, red and green peppers, red onion, white and yellow corn, and 1/4 cup of Wishbone Italian dressing. If I'd had cucumbers and grape tomatoes, I would've added them.
The leftovers should be even better tomorrow after blending all night.
Mike, Allen, and Anna spent most of the day working on our hot water heater. Every few years the heater gets clogged from calcium deposits. It's a tiresome job to empty it and vacuum all the junk out. But now it's done for a while.
Tomorrow we hope to work in the garden and transplant some bushes. The weather is perfect...if not a bit cool...for which we are thankful.
I still haven't made it to the sewing room, but now that my home is clean (well...cleaner than this morning!) and the laundry pegged, it should be easier to manage. Enjoy your Saturday.
Many blessings ~ Kathie