Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I realized recently that while I live in my van going to all of Maggie's appts, my children are stuck home with cabin fever. So yesterday I took them for a drive thru the country before Maggie's 2 pm appt.Every Sunday on our 35 minute drive to church, we pass a lot of roads that we would like to explore. So yesterday we drove down each little road on Rt 231. We drove through 4 counties...Calvert, Charles, Prince Georges, and St. Mary's.
Our favorite? The little seaside town of Benedict.
We got a laugh out of this swan with his foot up in the air. That's how our ducks sleep...on one foot.
We loved the cute little homes and cottages. We even got to see Mrs. Bonnie's home! (No, it's not the one pictured.)
And we found this restaurant tucked way back in the village. It looks like it has seen a hurricane or two.
Most of the roads dead-ended like this.
We even drove through a high-end neighborhood (5 acres per home with huge, brick homes and miles of mowed grass) and found this lone picnic table out by the road. We have been trying to imagine why it is there.
Of course, we had to get a picture of this railroad track. It was nice to see I've passed on my love of trains to my children. We spent two hours driving, then splurged on $1 hamburgers at Burger King. We could've spent another 2 hours driving was a lot of fun.
I took a picture of this sign so you'd believe me when I tell you the amish were selling their watermelons for $1 each. We bought two. This is a new amish family who has moved in across the street from my neighborhood. They sell only organic foods...but usually charge $4 for their watermelons.

Lizzie is baking sourdough biscuits, and I am getting ready to give Mike and Allen haircuts. Then Mike takes Maggie to Walter Reed for her accupuncture appt.

Finally a break in the humidity and 90 degree weather. Many blessings ~ Kathie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a pretty area you live in Kathie. You must really enjoy all that wonderful scenery. A $1 for a watermelon - wow!
