Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yesterday we became a two-Christmas tree home. I'm not sure if that is good or bad...but it's a lot of work! The second tree came from my Mom who is no longer putting up a tree. This is our upstairs family room, also known as the door room since there are nine doors that open into it. But it's a cozy room with the pellet stove at one end and the tree at the other. I like turning off the overhead lights and enjoying the natural flame of the stove.
Last year I bought this oval frame at the thrift shop for 50 cents. I wanted to try spray painting it to see if the paint would adhere to the plastic. It did!
This is a closeup. I like the molding on it.
So Maggie found this fern in the woods, pressed and preserved it, and now I have this lovely "print" hanging in my bedroom. Thanks, Maggie, I love it!
Have you ever heard of a clay skillet? Clay Coyote Flameware has a new line of stovetop ceramic cookware. Sure looks nice. I like anything that looks like stoneware!

Ruthie's headcold has taken a turn for the worse so I had to take her to the doctor. Unfortunately, I had her do two double-dose nebulizer treatments before we left, so the Doc didn't think she was too bad. Yikes! I'll never do that again. So now Ruthie is miserable. It didn't matter that Ruthie's medical records show that she has spent 5 times in the hospital in the past 3 years because of headcolds gone bad. Oh well. The doc wouldn't even give her steroids. So we are doing lots of meds, fluids, nebulizer treatments, and prayer. I'd like to give her fresh garlic but her tummy won't tolerate it...nor will her nose.

The weather is turning nasty, so I'm thankful that tomorrow is an easier day for me. I need to get some sewing done...Ruthie's dresses barely cover her knees.

Sarah and Maggie had a funny story to tell about their trip to the mall this weekend. Some guy noticed their skirts and asked them what church they go to. They answered, "First Baptist Church of Calvert County," to which he smiled and said, "The skirt says it all!" Amen, brother.

The holiday drivers are crazy, so keep safe. Many blessings ~ Kathie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just some ideas for you: My husband has picked up a nasty chest cold that is going around his office. One co-worker has had to be hospitalized. Last night I attacked this thing full strength. I gave him two cups of hot green tea with honey and lemon. Then I had him take a garlic pill and extra Vitamin C. Finally I had him rub his chest with Vicks salve and then a apply a heat pad to his chest for about half an hour. He woke up this morning and said he was feeling a great deal better.
When my youngest daughter's dresses get a bit too short, I sew a ruffle around the bottom and it lasts a little while longer. Of course my older daughter prefers I not do that to her dresses and skirts. :)
Hope Ruthie feels better soon.
