Isaiah 55:8 says, " For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD." I always think of this verse when my life takes a sudden turn. This past weekend I expected to get a lot of housework caught up...but God had other plans for us. Ruthie had been congested after playing with our kitty, but I had no idea how poorly she was feeling. I tried to take her to the dr on base, but after one look at her grey face, they directed us to the hospital. At least we were spared the ambulance ride.
Ruthie got discharged Sunday at 1:30 pm. I have been moping about all afternoon...too tired to do anything, and too tired to nap. Hopefully tonight I will catch up on my sleep.
Thank you for your prayers. We received several emails from praying friends. Pastor came by to visit us on Saturday. What a comfort to know that God is control of everything.