Yesterday I told you about trying to keep up with all the zucchini around here. So for dinner, I experimented and ended up with a delicious way to cook zucchini. I sliced all the zucchini and soaked the slices in a mixture of sourdough starter with a little soy creamer to thin it out. Then I dredged the slices in panko crumbs and sauteed in a little olive oil. I salted it after it was all cooked. Yummy!
I also sliced some yellow squash and dredged it in a mixture of sourdough starter and flour (with a little salt and pepper). Not as good as the zucchini, but still a hit with the whole family.
Since I had a cup of starter/flour/creamer mixture leftover, I added some milled corn that I keep in the freezer, and mixed it all together to make hush puppies. I don't usually like hush puppies, but this mixture was fantastic! I hope I can duplicate the recipe next time we have squash.
I also shredded 20 cups of zucchini to freeze for future muffins and cakes.
For dessert, I made this zucchini bread type cake using sourdough starter in place of eggs. My family enjoys anything with raisins and walnuts, so this was a real hit. I almost always use half the sugar that a recipe calls for, so this bread/cake was not sickening sweet.
So 12 zucchini and squash have been eaten, only a million more to go!
My children are helping their Granddaddy cook dinner for his church, so I'm home alone. For 16 years while my children were young, I never once had the house to myself. So this is still a treat for me. I have another hour left, so I'm off to cut out dresses for Lizzie and Ruthie.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
PS ~ Looky what I picked this afternoon... a gallon of blackberries...and I was only able to finish half my plants! .jpg)