We performed the play on Sunday and the Lord really blessed. The children all did better than they ever had at practice. This is Ruthie getting ready to sing the opening song, "Here Am I, Lord." And here is our Pastor, Ralph Nevin, giving the closing prayer. Pastor was my Bible teacher all through High School at Arlington Baptist School in Baltimore.
Since the play was at 1:45 pm, we didn't have evening services. So we were able to stay home and relax after such a busy weekend. Our family watched a DVD that I bought on Amazon called, "The League of Grateful Sons." This is a Doug Phillips DVD from Vision Forum. This isn't one of those films where you hurry the children off to bed when it's over, but plan on spending some time talking with your children about the heros in your life.
It was worth watching. If you'd like to borrow this from us, let me know. Otherwise, click on the title for the link to Amazon or to read the reviews.
Next month I will order another DVD by Doug Phillips called, "A Legend and a Legacy: The True Story of Leonard C. Holifield."
Monday morning came all too soon for me, since Anna and Lizzie went with my Dad down to Corpus Christi, Texas. I'm glad for them to have this opportunity, but I already miss them terribly. Ruthie has cried off and on all day. But I know they will have a great time. When Sarah was in 7th grade, she told me that most people underestimate the dynamics of the relationships of homeschooled siblings. I keep thinking of that during times like this.It takes 28 hours to get to Texas, so Mike bought a portable DVD player for the girls. Anna said it made a huge difference. I'm so glad.
Monday was a holiday for us (Columbus Day) so Mike was home. He got a lot of work accomplished. Mike and Allen folded up the pool and put it in the basement for the winter. Good thing, because our record-breaking warm weather (around 90s) will leave tonight when a cold front comes through tonight (hopefully with much-needed rain!).
Our funny moment happened to Sarah yesterday. After class, she was walking to her car when she heard someone yell her name. It was Dustin, her cousin. She thought, 'How nice! I am so thankful that I have a cousin who is interested in having a meaningful relationship with me.' So she walked up to him and he said, "Hey, Sarah! Hurry up and let me have your parking space...I'm late for class!" Oh well. So much for meaningful relationships:-) Truthfully, Dustin is a great guy and we are thankful that he is once again a part of our lives. (FYI, Southern Maryland Colleges are known for their small parking lots!)
Well, I'm still having trouble with this post, so I will take that as a sign from the Lord, and will sign off. Have a great day.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
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