Lynn is a naturopath and has a wealth of information on healthy living. I enjoyed seeing her home and learning about some of their habits. (Her hubby Al makes all the sprouts!) Thanks for a lovely evening, Lynn and Al.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
"Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world." ~ Titus 2:12
Lynn is a naturopath and has a wealth of information on healthy living. I enjoyed seeing her home and learning about some of their habits. (Her hubby Al makes all the sprouts!) Thanks for a lovely evening, Lynn and Al.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
Many blessings ~ Kathie
Tomorrow I am hoping to go see my new niece for the first time. Yes, she's almost a month old and I still haven't made it over there. I can barely wait!
Many blessings ~ Kathie
No, our family doesn't take good pictures. It also doesn't help that we had no idea when the camera was snapping the pictures...and the sun was glaring. Oh well. We will look back on this picture and remember the fun we had.
On Friday morning, we packed up and headed north to Clearwater, Florida, to attend the wedding of our friends from San Diego. Larry was our Pastor in San Diego where we lived from 1985-1989. Bonnie, his wife, was 2-year-old Sarah's favorite person at church. She called her Mrs. Bon Bon. Six years ago we went to Florida for their son Iain's wedding. Now it's Alicia's turn.
Alicia and John are a rare couple who see the playful side of life. It is nice to see that Alicia has finally met her match when it comes to humor!
In this picture, Larry was singing Sunrise, Sunset. It was very well done. Here are the poignant words:
Even though there were many light-hearted moments, there were also some very emotional moments as well. Just a delightful mix of humor and traditional.
We came home to a busy week. Tonight I had green beans and butternut squash in the oven, and fingerling potatoes in the wok (with fresh basil and mustard greens!) before I discovered a huge roast in my refrigerator! Evidently my Dad dropped it off this afternoon. So we ended up eating a huge dinner. Thanks, Dad.
Fortunately our music lessons were all canceled this week, since no one practiced while we were in FL, so I am slowly getting laundry washed, pegged, and put away. Slowly is the operative word!
Hope you had a good week as well. I am looking forward to catching up on my favorite blogs and answering emails. Many blessings ~ Kathie
Added later: Sometimes I get so caught up in posting pictures that I forget to write some important notes. About the wedding...the rehearsal dinner the night before was a semi-formal affair of probably 150 people or so. The most wonderful thing about the wedding was that both Alicia and John are from Christian families. John's parents had been praying for his future wife since before he was born. What a way to welcome Alicia into their family!! Do you think she feels loved?!
Both Dads took turns with the microphone, introducing their families. We then did the fun game of Who's the oldest, Who came the furthest for the wedding, Who had the largest family (us!), Who was married the longest, etc.
During the wedding ceremony, Larry (bride's father), asked all the married couples to hold each other's hands. Then he reminded us of the institution of marriage and all that it's meant to be. It was a perfect message.
My final observation was this: As with funerals, marriages are just so wonderful when it's a Christian wedding. Especially when both families have a long history of loving the Lord. It made such an impression on me that I've started praying for my children's future mates and families. Yes, families. You really do marry the whole family.
Thank you, Larry, for giving us much to think about. We have broadened our vision for our family. PTL