Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last week we traveled to CSM (College of Southern Maryland) at the LaPlata campus to hear Sarah give a reading. Sarah had written three wonderful poems and was asked to choose one to read that night. I have searched Sarah's blog and cannot find a copy, so I will be sure to post it when I finally catch up with her. Sorry the picture is dark...I didn't want to use my flash. We are so proud of her!
Afterwards we went to a Chinese restaurant. It was very expensive, so we got two dishes and split them eight ways. It was still a treat for us...and took the edge off our hunger until we got home. Hope I don't get in trouble for this picture ~ can you tell I took them all by surprise?
Maggie has been studying online about maple trees. She and her sisters have scoured our property (and Grandad's property, and Simba's property, etc) looking for sugar maples. Maggie hopes to tap every maple she can find.
She's been collecting leaves from all the different maples. The time to tap the trees is February, so she's just in the searching stage now.
Somehow in the midst of all the leaf-collecting, Ruthie got interested in flower pressing. I'm not sure if you can tell, but look closely at Maggie's right arm and you will see the wires hanging down. The wires carry electrical impulses to her arm. The only time Maggie is allowed to use her hands is when she is hooked up.This past Saturday I sent Mike and Allen to the Farmer's Market to buy a chair and a rhododendron. Well, this was definitely a "two-fer" day. Mike bought two rhododendrons for $20 (normally $15 each), and two chairs for $20 (normally $18 each). I LIKE twofer days! After seeing this picture, I think I'll send him in a truck next time.

My children are with my Dad at his church. This is our week to help him cook. The menu tonight was hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, baked beans, deviled eggs, potato salad, chips, watermelon and pineapple. I stayed home to clean for tomorrow's company.

This week is flying by. Maggie has been in more pain than usual probably because she had a different accupuncturist. Keep praying.

This weekend is the airshow on base featuring the Blue Angels. As always, we will be going the day before to see the practice show (same as the regular show but without the crowds). If you'd like to come with us, let me know and we'll meet you outside the base to get you on. But bring ear protection!

Many blessings ~ Kathie

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