Every night I leave my kitchen sink light on, so in the morning I never know what will be on the screen outside that window. About four times a year I will see a luna moth. This one is actually small, about 4" from tip to tail. But they never cease to amaze me.
Today Ruthie and I went to the farmers market in search of more cheap chairs, but we found ourselves surrounded by an entirely different culture ~ horse folks! There were trucks with horse trailers
everywhere! Ruthie and I walked through the stables to see all the horses. We were told that this is a fantastic year for buying a horse because of the terrible economy. They expect most horses to sell for $1000-1500, half of the usual amount.
Ruthie enjoyed the sing-song chant of the auctioneer. There were dozens of boxes of reins, saddles, saddlebags, etc., to be auctioned off before the horses, so we left.
Ruthie did some more vacuuming while I mowed the lawn. If only we could have two more days like today...we might break even!
We are preparing our hearts for tomorrow's sermon. Take care and have a restful Sunday. Many blessings ~ Kathie