Today feels like spring...finally! My horseradish is doing very well. This fall I will be able to dig up the root and shred it.
Today we were supposed to meet Sarah and Abigail at the park but the sun was slow in warming up. So they came over so Sarah could do school while I played tea with Abigail. What a great idea!
Abigail loved playing tea...especially when Auntie Kathie pretended the tea was too hot to sip. I bought this tea set for Sarah in 1990...and it's gotten plenty of use. We've had 5 toy tea sets over the years...and this set is by far our favorite.
And these are the mad scientists enjoying their science lesson...dissecting roses.
Abigail also loves this toy clock. The date on it says 1962...and it still plays perfectly. This was a popular toy when I was a child. I bought it at a thrift shop in San Francisco for 75 cents back in 1987. It was a sentimental purchase.
Sarah had my three youngest do science papers for today's dissection. I remember doing this same science lesson.
While playing tea with Abigail, I had a seam ripper and was ripping the pockets off old jeans. Yesterday I was given a large bagful of worn out jeans to be recycled into quilt squares and weaving weft. Abigail was fascinated by the whole process and enjoyed helping me pull the little threads out.
The two little pockets are so cute!
I have been saving the handles from the bags of sugar and birdseed, hoping for some way to recycle them.
How about this? I'll have to give this to Abigail when she comes over again. So much fun for 5 minutes of sewing.
Maggie is doing much better today. We found out she was doing everything wrong...icepaks instead of heat...no massages or manipulations, etc. Anna and Maggie are having a fun time down at BJU. Even Mike is loving it. He says he loves everything about BJU, especially the people. They have more classes tomorrow, an appt with a dean, and then they will head home.
One of the funny things about Anna and Maggie is that whenever they go to camps, they always take lots of poptarts and teddy grahams. Because of their food allergies (dairy and eggs), they usually can't eat much of the food on campus, so they live on poptarts. When they come home, they never touch poptarts and teddy grahams. (Mainly because I don't buy them!) They said it takes a year or so to get over the last overdose. Oh well.
My mom joined facebook this week. Next thing I know, she'll probably have her own blog!
This week has flown by again. All day long my children have been giving me hugs and telling me how nice it is to have me home. I agree! But instead of relaxing, I find myself constantly looking at the clock in a quick panic. I am just so sure I'm missing some appt!
Many blessings ~ Kathie
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