Saturday, September 17, 2011

Maggie is gathering all her photos so she can enter them into the upcoming fair.  I chose a few I like to post here.  Tonight I mowed this corn patch flat.  The weather has turned very cool this week, so my thoughts have turned towards preparing the gardens for the winter. 
This is really a miscellaneous bunch of photos.  Maggie took this photo when my parents' piers were underwater during Hurricane Irene.   
My turkeys have discovered the birdseed on my platform feeder.  Now I can't keep them off the porch railing.  They also ate all the blossoms off my flowers on my porch.  I had been enjoying those flowers so much lately. 
 This picture shows how dark our honey is this year.  (Obviously this honey hasn't been strained can see bits of beeswax floating in it.)  Last year's honey was almost crystal clear.  Evidently the color of the honey has to do with what time of year the honeybees gather their in fall vs. spring. 

 I couldn't believe it when I saw Ranger drinking out of the dirty duck pool.  Yucko!  I hope I have the camera ready for when he falls in!

Maggie took this fantastic picture of the Blue Angels.  She certainly didn't take this with my camera! 

Well, this is a quick post.  Hubby has been up in Baltimore for a few days attending a digital communications conference.  I hear him downstairs...he just got home.  So I'm off!

Many blessings ~ Kathie

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