Life sure did change when our twins were born. We went from being a "normal" family to a "large" family overnight. Many people would stop me and ask if they were all mine. I don't think of us as a large family. I have to say, I am always thinking that 6 children is such a perfect size family.

I have lots of pictures of the twins sleeping. Two reasons...they hardly ever slept at the same time, and it was the only time I could grab a camera! Oh how busy we were.

I made all the girls matching dresses for Easter. Those of you who know Ruthie have probably seen her wear one of these dresses every year of her life:-) Now that she's eleven, she has finally worn out the last of the dresses.

All my babies enjoyed riding the lawnmower with Mike and me.

The time sure did fly.

Such sweeties. They've always been very affectionate with each other. I enjoy seeing that.

I'm not sure which is funnier...Lizzie's expression or the blood on her foot. I wish I could remember what this was all about. That was a favorite dress for Lizzie and Ruthie.

Can you see the lack of sleep in his eyes?!

I wish I would've seen this picture to add to Anna's birthday post. I found many pictures of Anna snuggling the twins. I do remember that Lizzie was suffering from a kidney infection when this picture was taken. It was sweet the way Anna made sure Lizzie kept drinking fluids.
It's quiet here tonight. Sarah went to the circus with Abigail, Mike took the 4 dancers to their Appalachian Clogging class, and Ruthie is waiting for me to snuggle and read. We will celebrate the twins' birthday dinner on Wednesday with Meemaw and Grandad.
These past few months have been incredible for us as Anna prepares to leave this week for her missions trip. There were so many tasks to be done, things to be bought, things to be signed, etc. We are amazed at the way God provided the funds entirely through private donations. No churches or organizations, just friends and family who wanted to further the gospel by investing in Anna's trip. Thank you so much. Many of the gifts were given sacrificially. As parents, we are excited to see what the Lord is doing in Anna's life. I have a feeling this trip will be life changing for her. PTL
I have already learned that 99% of a missions trip is prayer. I find myself praying all the time. Even though I haven't met any of the other members of the team, I have been praying for them, their health, their support, and their spiritual growth. It's wonderful to be a part of the team!
Many blessings ~ Kathie
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