Sarah, as usual, found gifts that were fantastic. Allen, Ruthie and Lizzie just loved these mini archeological dig kits.We gave Lizzie this cookbook...wonderful photos.
One last gift. I gave Allen a Jerky kit. He loved it. Didn't take him long to mix up a batch and get it on the dehydrator.
We fried a little test patty and it was delicious. This batch will be finished tomorrow morning. I'm guessing they won't last for long!
So we had a wonderful weekend. We got lots of work done and had lots of fun. The weather has turned cool for a few days, so I hope to get all my outside weeding and planting done...before the humidity drives me inside.
Pastor preached a good sermon this morning. I am always amazed when I think of Hannah's promise to God that if He would bless her with a son, she would return the son to Him. The footnotes in my Bible say that Samuel was probably between 2 and 3 years old when Hannah gave him to Eli. I cannot imagine giving any of "my" babies up. Yes, they are God's children, lent to me for a time.
Happy Mother's Day. Many blessings ~ Kathie
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