There once was a Momma who loved to eat red raspberries, but they were too expensive to buy. So she bought 6 Heritage Red Raspberry plants from Stark Bros. Her hubby prepared the garden, and her children helped her plant them. All throughout the summer, her children would bring her handfuls of raspberries to eat. They were delicious!
The next summer, there were no longer 6 raspberry plants...there were many! So the Momma's children dug up the additional plants and transplanted them into another row. All throughout the summer, her children would again bring her handfuls of raspberries to eat. They were delicious!
Every summer, the same thing would happen: more plants would come up than the previous year, and the Momma's children would transplant them.
One day, in the year 2010, the Momma's third daughter, Anna, decided she wanted to return to her favorite camp in TN, for Camp Bimi II Missions Camp. So the Momma had an idea. She posted ads for raspberry plants, $2 each. At first, a few people bought 10 or less plants. The Momma was generous, always giving people a lot more than they paid for. She wanted to be a blessing to these folks.
One day, a young Momma who lives on a farm, came by and bought 40 plants. The family was thrilled! Several days later, the young Momma wrote and said the plants were doing very well...but that she needed many more plants. She wanted to come back and buy 100 plants!

And that is the wonderful story of how Anna received much more money than was needed to go to Camp Bimi II. (BTW, it was always Anna who led the children in weeding and transplanting the raspberries.) So while we read in our Bibles about Jesus turning water into wine many years ago, we rejoice that God was able to turn $12 worth of raspberry plants into $309 for camp! Praise God!
The Christian life sure is an exciting life!
Many blessings ~ Kathie