
One of these coffeepots belongs to the Graham family and gets passed to the host family each year. Guess which coffeepot this is.
One of these coffeepots was picked up at the dump. Which one?
One of these coffeepots was bought on eBay for $5. Which one?
One of these coffeepots was bought at a thrift shop for $6. Which one?
One of these coffeepots was bought at a thrift shop for $8. Which one?
Four of these coffeepots belong to Kathie. Yes, she uses them. Kathie has one complete collection of something. Can you guess what that is? (Folks who read Kathie’s blog are disqualified from this bonus question!)


While I was preparing for the reunion, I came upon this website for another family's reunion (you may want to turn on your mute first). I thought their itinerary was interesting.
PS ~ Did I mention the humidity?