This past Monday we had a Labor Day Picnic with 47 friends. The sweetness of the fellowship will last a long time for me. I had so much fun and felt relaxed the whole time. Thank you to everyone who came.
One week before the picnic, Anna asked what she could do to help with the picnic. I know she was thinking in terms of cleaning, but I asked her if she could possibly piece together two quilts to hang in the living room. Well...Anna worked hard and completely finished the two wall hangings! I love them!! Today I took 32 pictures and hardly one isn't blurry. The above quilt is the log cabin quilt in the Barn Raising pattern.
And this quilt is called Chinese Coins. I had pieced the 12 blocks almost a decade ago. Since they were sewn from the same brown fabrics, Anna decided to use them. This quilt kit was a best seller for me when I was selling on eBay. Anna now sells the kits in browns, blues, purples, and greens.
This is a close-up of the chinese coins. There are 24 different "coins" in each block. Ten years ago I searched the internet trying to find anything to do with this pattern and couldn't find anything. Nowadays this is a familiar pattern.
I took this picture of the wrong side of the quilt top while Anna was ironing it. This side looks almost as good as the right side!
Here is a picture showing both quilts. It sure completes my living room.
On the coffee table I have a table runner made out of the same browns as the quilt hanging. I enjoy table runners...or any other project I can finish in an afternoon!
This is the opposite side of my living room. This is my summer arrangement. As soon as it gets cool, I'll rearrange my sofas to face the fireplace. I always look forward to that! Thanks again for all your extra effort, Anna.
Anna is going to try selling quilt kits at three area craft fairs this fall. It will be a learning experience for both of us. If you have any suggestions about this...we are all ears!
Sarah has joined Weight Watchers online and we are all happy about the meal plans! Last night we ate BBQ chicken, rice, baked butternut squash, and asparagus. I don't normally like butternut squash but it was delicious! I poured some of Maggie's homemade herb dressing on my rice...yummy!
My friend, Lyn, gave me a hostess gift at our picnic. I will enjoy using these this Thanksgiving season. Thank you, Lyn. (I had to go snatch these back from Ruthie...she was using them with her play kitchen!)
I found this picture in my folder. Lizzie was very proud of the 35 bags of hay she raked and dried for her goats. They love her hay in the wintertime.
For those of you who saw my Dad at the picnic, yes, he was indeed feeling and looking terrible...and took an ambulance ride to the hospital Tuesday morning. He was sent on up to Washington Hospital Center. After several days, he finally came home on Friday evening with a little machine implanted in his chest. The drs are hoping the machine will record one of Dad's cardiac episodes so they figure out what's going on. Thank you for all your prayers.
My hubby and 4 middle children went to Virginia this weekend to kayak on the Shenandoah River. They are having a great time. I have a roast in the oven and look forward to a nice family dinner when they arrive home around 7:30 pm. Today our highest temp was 69 degrees!
Many blessings ~ Kathie
Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love,
At the impulse of Thy love!