Little Clara has become quite the walker these days, so it's hard to get pictures of her in one spot. However, Clara loves to read and sit on our I was able to get this picture this past Monday at violin lessons. Lizzie sure was enjoying the moment!
One Friday evening this past month (July 22nd), we had Clara and her parents over for a quiet, relaxed dinner. Our family always enjoys visiting with them. I goofed the food badly...but neither Adina nor Bernard would say anything. I learned an important lesson about clay pot cooking: I can serve either the main course or the dessert in clay pots...but not both. The reason is that clay pots have to be put into a cold oven before cooking. When I took the chicken out...the oven was very hot...too hot for my apple cobbler! Oh well. My sourdough dinner rolls saved the day...Adina actually took a second roll!
We had fun showing Clara our toy kitchen with all the toy foods and dishes. We even took Clara outside in the thick humidity to show her our ducks. She wanted badly to swim with them!
Of course, we never let an opportunity go by to hear Bernard and Adina play their violins! You just cannot imagine how beautiful it sounds.
I was enjoying the evening so much that I could not believe it was close to midnight when they left. I could've easily talked with them for another hour. Time flies when you're having fun.
On Saturday, July 23rd, we traveled a little more than an hour north to go to the 76th Graham reunion. It was a real treat to have the reunion close to home!
The reunion was held at the waterfront home of a friend of the host family. As usual, the day was hot and humid. Fortunately, as the day went on, we all went inside where the air conditioning was refreshing.
The pool was refreshing. Natalie and Abigail spent a lot of time swimming. We didn't know about the pool, so we didn't have our swimsuits. I can see my parents by the pool in the above picture.
Simba and Abigail walking on the beach.
The pavillion was located in a shady spot between the guest house and the main house. We've decided we have a perfect spot on our property for the same kind of pavillion...but don't hold your breath!
Lifeguards on duty.

Ruthie liked the huge stone slab for a diving board.
We all enjoyed sitting in the theatre looking at all the details.
One end of the game room.
The other end of the game room.
One of my great-aunts passed away in 1984, so my aunt has decided to pass four of her quilts down to her grandsons. My aunt thought we'd all enjoy looking at them before the boys took the quilts home.

My favorite is this Cathedral Windows quilt. Beautiful!
No matter where we have the reunion, our traditions still hold. Here's the water balloon contest.
Guess who lost?!
Someone brought all the desserts into the house before they melted. The main meal was catered...and was delicious. Lots of steamed shrimp and fried crab balls. There was ham, turkey and beef, corn on the cob, potato salad, slaw, fruit salad, fried chicken, etc. There was plenty for all the vegans. Everyone brought dessert, so there was lots of that.
Uncle Norm was there from Broomes Island. It's always good to see my cousins. Our family is getting larger...but fewer are coming to the reunions. I heard someone say there were a few more than a hundred this year. Thanks for a wonderful reunion!
One more picture. Ruthie rescued this adorable baby bunny from Ranger the cat. She brought it in for an hour or so to watch him play, then sent him to the woods. We have an abundance of wild rabbits and bunnies this year. That's amazing with all the fox around! Speaking of bunnies...we finally lost our last bunny this month. Twitch died of old age (10). He was Maggie's baby. We are now out of the bunny business and have given our hutches away on freecycle. The only pets we have left are our dog, cat, 3 turkeys and 2 ducks. My budget likes that!
We have much to be thankful for these days. I appreciate all the emails and even a phonecall (thanks, Ellen!) to see if we had dropped off the planet. We're doing well. Way too busy...but I think things will slow down now. My children spent the evening with my parents...but I hear doors opening and closing downstairs now, so the peaceful evening has ended...but long enough for me to accomplish this post.
Many blessings ~ Kathie
Jesus, I am resting, resting,
In the joy of what Thou art.
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.